Friday, May 6, 2011

Links-of-the-Week (LoW)

Guess what? WAY more interesting stuff has been going on outside the world of politics and warfare (thank God)! Here's a round up of my favorite links this week:

UNconcerned, Ahmadinejad May Disappear

The UN is unhappy with US and Barack Obama - soon they may pull Hans Blix from moth balls to write us a strongly worded letter.  Apparently it's not legal to go around summarily executing terrorists.
"In respect of the recent use of deadly force against Osama bin Laden, the United States of America should disclose the supporting facts to allow an assessment in terms of international human rights law standards," they said.
"It will be particularly important to know if the planning of the mission allowed an effort to capture bin Laden...." Navi Pillay, the top U.N. human rights official, also called on Tuesday for light to be shed on the killing, stressing that all counter-terrorism operations must respect international law.
The Germans aren't happy either, paraphrasing the false Martin Luther King quote that circulated earlier this week.  To quote the Christian Science Monitor:
Almost everyone in mainstream German politics has expressed relief about bin Laden's death, but the celebrations in the US were watched with much bafflement here. In Germany, politicians are typically loath to use emotionally charged language or utter politically inflammatory language – a lasting legacy of Germany’s violent past.
 Godwin's law to take affect in 4, 3, 2....

Erstwhile there's a disappearing act of sorts happening in the good country of Iran.  Early reports have Ahmadinejad (Iranian for "little crazy man in a Members Only jacket") stepping down now that his advisors have been arrested for.... sorcery.  Yes - you read that right - all this time, those weird hand motions of his were summoning the dark side.  How convenient that this is happening when the SEALs have just uncovered a treasure trove of sensitive documents highlighting yet-to-be-revealed international terrorist connections.  Could it be that Ahmad is connected to the dark side in a way that spells trouble for the Ayatollah Khamenei? I'd say it's as least as likely as Castle Anthrax being secretly relocated to Germany by the naughty Zoot.

Mo' Bin Laden, Moore Money

Not to let the death of an infamous terrorist go unprofitable, Michael Moore has drawn attention to himself while driving support for the President he elected. It's smart; much smarter, in fact, than Obama's own PR campaign.    

By asserting that Osama Bin Laden was murdered, Moore plays to the slightly-left-of-middle crowd as well as the MLK-misquoting dove base. All of of a sudden, the world remembers Moore is still alive and has movies to sell (but he's not a capitalist). Moore also takes the opportunity to spark a debate about just how brass-tacks Obama is, and now anyone pleased with the swift-justice principal finds themselves siding with the President, boosting his approval rating to  47% ahead of campaign season.  

Truth is, I agree with Moore on one thing – we straight up executed this guy – but even the Dalai Lama seems to think he needed killing real bad. And that's where my agreement ends. The notion that we can compare the Nuremberg trials to the war on terror is ridiculous.  Hitler was killed or committed suicide, and Mussolini was killed by his own people.  Osama could not have been brought to trial safely, not in any nation.  He would be too much of a target for everyone on all sides (what, did you think he was hunkered down in Pakistan for the kafta?).  

Michael Moore has made a living on being ridiculous.  As it turns out, ridiculous is quite profitable, especially when coupled with the death of an infamous criminal. 

A Picture's Worth a 1,000 Words

Apparently deft to the Long Form situation, Obama has decided not to release the photos of our newly dead friend OBL.  According to the administration, the photos would be too graphic and the enemy would be stirred up against us.
"We don't need to spike the football. And I think that, given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk," the president said, according to Carney's account. -


This is another ill-conceived move that's going to spur conspiracy theorists and leave wanting political moderates.  The position is simply illogical: Americans by and large are one of the most visually violent first world cultures, and it's not like we could possibly upset jihadist terrorists any more than we already have merely by existing.  Surely Obama doesn't believe that by withholding the images, Osama's supporters will be just dandy with us killing him? And as for graphic in nature, I for one have and will always retain vivid memories of people falling from the towers, some smashing against the building on their way down.  Or did we forget? (Watch the video linked to the left when you have a minute to cry.  At 2:36 they play the audio associated with the bodies falling but you've been spared THOSE visuals.) By the way, if you truly think it's about the ugly image of death we are trying to avoid, see the images of everyone else taken out by the SEALs. Looks kind of like a Quentin Tarantino scene, which probably won't quell the conspiracy theorists.

Now personally I don't need photos to prove it to me. I'll take the word of the SEALs that they killed a man they knew was OBL.  And yes that's a qualified statement; I mean, none of us KNOW.  But I'm satisfied.  And also, he's just one guy - there's a whole lot of killing to go 'round in this suddenly fashionable war.  But as a marketeer, I have to shake my head at this latest move by our President.  Show the whole world what happens to these people - let our friends in Libbya, that quack out in North Korea and all of those wannabe terrorists out there see the images.  Show them they are  findable and mortal.  Show THEM the photos.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama to Obama: Over My Dead Body

Today I skipped  into the office with a wizard-of-oz song in my head.  "Ding-dong the bastard's dead" kind of has a ring to it, you know?  What a beautiful day; now, let the politics commence!

Wrestling over Osama's body and the glory that goes with his dead carcass are no shortage of politicians and pundits. To this end, I would like to bequeath my own appreciation:

  1. GEAUX NAVY!!!!!!!!!! SEALs ROCK!
  2. To the SEALs who delivered the cold lead salad to Osama - I wish you your very own life sized bronze statue at ground zero, congressional medals of honor, your face on a box of Wheaties, the cover of Time Magazine and a few million in cash on top of lifelong body guards for your friends and family.  Congratulations, you have taken a key step in avenging the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people who should not be forgotten.
  3. To the brave military men and women who have been kicking ass for America and ensuring that I can participate in a free society as an equal and sovereign citizen, THANK YOU.  I bet you never considered that your keeping us free allowed someone in Abbottabad to Tweet Osama's demise in real time. (Note to self: don't choose hideouts in places that end in "bad.")
  4. To all those who have lost their lives or limbs, family and friends, lovers and children - Thank you! This nation will never be able to replace what you've lost.  Your loss is in lieu of ours, and most of us will never appreciate the sacrifice you've made on our behalf.
  5. To all my proud liberal friends - I'm proud our country stuck it out and proved we are willing to see a job through to the end.  He may be buried in the ocean, but Osama went to the fiery hell he deserves thanks to our military.  Please thank the troops when you see them.
  6. To all my proud-but-perturbed Conservative friends - lighten up, we got him! It's reasonable to want credit to be given where credit is due, but don't assume people have already forgotten how this went down (for better or worse).  Also, stop and realize that America remained victorious, despite having a Democrat in office - just because Obama doesn't share many of your views doesn't mean he won't defend our country. Please thank the troops when you see them.
  7. To President Obama - thank you for continuing the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and for not closing Guantanamo Bay as promised. Without strictly adhering to the "Bush Doctrine" you so vehemently campaigned against, we might not have seen this day. 
  8. To the terrorist organizations threatening to unleash hell to avenge Osama's death: bring it on! It's going to be really hard to talk trash when you're sleeping with the fishes next to your buddy.  
Congratulations America, we did it.  Now Obama, if you want a shot in 2012, post the darn photos to the internet, UNTOUCHED AND PRONTO in time for an incredibly joyous Memorial Day weekend.  This can't be a catch-and-release program....