"We don't need to spike the football. And I think that, given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk," the president said, according to Carney's account. - MSNBC.com
This is another ill-conceived move that's going to spur conspiracy theorists and leave wanting political moderates. The position is simply illogical: Americans by and large are one of the most visually violent first world cultures, and it's not like we could possibly upset jihadist terrorists any more than we already have merely by existing. Surely Obama doesn't believe that by withholding the images, Osama's supporters will be just dandy with us killing him? And as for graphic in nature, I for one have and will always retain vivid memories of people falling from the towers, some smashing against the building on their way down. Or did we forget? (Watch the video linked to the left when you have a minute to cry. At 2:36 they play the audio associated with the bodies falling but you've been spared THOSE visuals.) By the way, if you truly think it's about the ugly image of death we are trying to avoid, see the images of everyone else taken out by the SEALs. Looks kind of like a Quentin Tarantino scene, which probably won't quell the conspiracy theorists.
Now personally I don't need photos to prove it to me. I'll take the word of the SEALs that they killed a man they knew was OBL. And yes that's a qualified statement; I mean, none of us KNOW. But I'm satisfied. And also, he's just one guy - there's a whole lot of killing to go 'round in this suddenly fashionable war. But as a marketeer, I have to shake my head at this latest move by our President. Show the whole world what happens to these people - let our friends in Libbya, that quack out in North Korea and all of those wannabe terrorists out there see the images. Show them they are findable and mortal. Show THEM the photos.
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