Friday, May 6, 2011

Mo' Bin Laden, Moore Money

Not to let the death of an infamous terrorist go unprofitable, Michael Moore has drawn attention to himself while driving support for the President he elected. It's smart; much smarter, in fact, than Obama's own PR campaign.    

By asserting that Osama Bin Laden was murdered, Moore plays to the slightly-left-of-middle crowd as well as the MLK-misquoting dove base. All of of a sudden, the world remembers Moore is still alive and has movies to sell (but he's not a capitalist). Moore also takes the opportunity to spark a debate about just how brass-tacks Obama is, and now anyone pleased with the swift-justice principal finds themselves siding with the President, boosting his approval rating to  47% ahead of campaign season.  

Truth is, I agree with Moore on one thing – we straight up executed this guy – but even the Dalai Lama seems to think he needed killing real bad. And that's where my agreement ends. The notion that we can compare the Nuremberg trials to the war on terror is ridiculous.  Hitler was killed or committed suicide, and Mussolini was killed by his own people.  Osama could not have been brought to trial safely, not in any nation.  He would be too much of a target for everyone on all sides (what, did you think he was hunkered down in Pakistan for the kafta?).  

Michael Moore has made a living on being ridiculous.  As it turns out, ridiculous is quite profitable, especially when coupled with the death of an infamous criminal. 

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