Saturday, April 30, 2011

British-to-American Translation

The Royal Wedding reminded us all that we're two countries divided by a common language.  And now that THAT'S over with (that's what she said!), I thought it would be a good idea to review our expanded vocabulary:

Commoner- Term applied to millionaires who had to actually work to create their wealth rather than be born into it. Poor dears!

Fascinator - Some triangular shaped object attached to the face and head so that one's face is partially obstructed. If you recall the movie Alien, when an alien attached itself to the face of a crew member, you've pretty much envisioned a fascinator.  Verb As in 'fascinating' - Dear god, that alien attached to your face is simply fascinating!

Royal bloodline - Genetic malfunction

Style - Unfortunate wardrobe choices (scroll to the bottom of the link)

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